RSL Australia

Not for Profit
RSL Australia were in need of a one-stop-shop resource for veteran’s and their employers to assist in the delivery of their veterans employment program. A custom portal for internal use by RSL staff was scoped, designed, user tested and developed provide them with the ability to create custom reports, charts and statistics that would assist them in their reporting obligations to the Department of Veteran Affairs.


About RSL Australia

RSL Australia does increibly important advocating for benefits, treatment and the welfare of current and ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force.

In need of both an external facing website and an internal portal for staff, RSL approach Firesauce to custom build a complex data capture and reporting tool that would ease the administrative burden of their regular reporting to the Department of Veteran Affairs.

The development challenge

The creation of a resource for veteran’s and their employers to assist in the delivery of their veterans employment program presented no small challenge. 

The portal needed to include a wide range conditional forms, custom charts and integrations – all while being incredibly user-friendly and serving to dramatically reduce the admin time of staff in the critical area of reporting.

A completely custom solution was required – no out of the box dev work would suffice and so we started on the path of working closely with the RSL team to determine exactly how we could make their lives that much easier – and the lives of the people they support.

The Solution

Over 5 months we underwent an intensive process with RSL Australia starting with  documenting the many and varied technical and functional requirements of the site. 

After a thorough technical scoping process, we moved on to UX wireframing to ensure that the layout suggested would meet the usability requirements of the team, followed by a visual design and interactive prototype.

But wait – there’s more! After undertaking extensive custom development, we underwent a just-as-extensive user testing and training process with a contingent of the NSW and Canberra teams flying over to Perth for 4 days of in person training.

Custom as they come

RSL required the custom development of extensive and complex web forms with a huge amount of conditional logic whereby certain responses would trigger different form fields to display, depending on the selection made. This technically complex set up required extensive testing and review – as did the rest of their bespoke requirements. This included:

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et”

Elle Wilman, Director, RSL Veterans; Employment Program

The outcome

The RSL Australia team were stoked with the outcome of our work together citing a significant time saving in their reporting requirements and future benefits for grant submissions and approvals.